When tomorrow starts without me When tomorrow starts without me And I’m not here to see If the sun should rise and find your eyes All filled with tears for me I wish you wouldn’t cry The Way you did today While thinking of the many things We did not get to say I know how much you love me As much as I love you Each time that you think of me I know you will miss me too When tomorrow starts with out me Please try to understand That an angel came and called my name And took me by the hand The angel said my place was ready In heaven far above And That I would have to leave behind All those I Dearly Love But When I walked through Heaven’s Gates I felt so much at home When GOD looked down and smiled at me From his golden throne He said This Is Eternity And All I promised you Today for life on earth is done But Here it starts a new I promise no tomorrow For today will always last And Since each day’s the exact same way There is no longing for the past So When Tomorrow starts without me Do not think we’re apart For every time you think of me Remember I’m right here in your heart Author David M Romano
Rose Margaret Moore
Loving grandmother of Nelina
September 23rd, 1949 – August 5th, 2019Avril Gay Moore
Loving step-grandmother of Nelina
April 9th, 1951 – May 21st, 2018
Norman C. MacPherson
Loving grandfather of Nelina
April 21st, 1949 – January 12th, 2019Brian Andrew MacPherson
Loving uncle of Nelina
February 7th – November 3rd, 2016
Lorna Margaret Graham
July 20, 1934 – November 11, 2020
Much-loved Mom and Gram-Grams
In loving memory – Meredith, Jeremy, Connor and Skye Graham Anderson
Gary Nix – Beloved husband of Wilda Nix (2014).
Dear father of Liette MacPherson (Rob) and Blair (Kathy) and Mark. Cherished grandfather of Max, Ellie, Mia, Jonathon, Brianna, Gavin and Griffin. Loving son of Lenore and the late Glen. Predeceased by his brother Wreford.
Antonio Cognata – Loving grandfather to Emmanuel
February 10th, 1928 – March 16, 2018 – In loving memory – Sinaguglia family
In Memory of of Nelina and in honour of Ted and Lorna Graham (Christmas 2018)
Benny Marc Rios
November 6th, 2014 – December 6th, 2017
Lisa Elizabeth MacPherson – Nelina’s sister
An angel taken before life began – June 10, 2017
In memory of Pasquale Sinaguglia – Loving great-uncle to Emmanuel
April 4, 1944 – April 21, 2017
Love from Mary and family (2017)