Talin Ash Hawkins was born in Australia, at home, delivered by me while watched on by a midwife as his mother did all the important work, on 14th June 2006. I was there to see his first breath into this World of Blue Pearl.
Little did I know that he would develop an insidious deadly brain tumour called DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma).
Little did I know that this happy and healthy boy would be diagnosed on the 11th of April 2012.
Little did I know that Talin would leave my life and die in my arms, just 13 weeks later while I watched his last breath.
Little did I know that my life would be destroyed by a little researched brain tumour that continues to take our children to this very day.
Little did I know of the suffering that these children go through before they die in the weeks, months and short years they may have.
Little did I know that DIPG affects children from the ages of 2.5 – 26 years, with the average being around 5-8 years old. Little did I know that the medical community has no real treatment, let alone a cure for these children.
Little did I know that DIPG means the children lose all the basic abilities of life, movement, speech, swallowing, breathing and so much more.
Little did I know that DIPG can affect one identical twin and not another, cross socioeconomic boundaries and countries. Little did I know that there was no real funding for DIPG Research because the governments of the day think that it is Rare.
Little did I know that the Dreams I had for my children would be taken away by the effects of DIPG as it destroys everything in its wake.
I Do Know that with Your Help we can Beat DIPG.
Please… Help…
Our Children Need You…
Gerry Tye (Talin’s Dad)
Talin’s Legacy
A Child deserves a legacy that is their footprint in life. Talin has been such a driver in mine and continues to do more in his name and presence to help other families in the World of DIPG.
During that time I have created many DIPG Resources that are available for Free…
These include: DIPG Research, DIPG Parents Only Sanctuary, and Admin on the following: DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) Awareness for Family and Friends, DIPG Angels Support Group for Grieving Families, DIPG Adults, DIPG Advocacy Group and more of my own public DIPG Pages…
My hope is that one day they will no longer be needed…
I made Talin a Promise to make a Difference, and it is important to me… as you can see…
Gerry Tye
BSci (Psy) UNSW, Ass Dip Health Science
Sydney Australia
To read about other children and their brain tumor journey, meet the kids.